Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Back in the Saddle

It's true what they say: if you don't build in time to write, the writing won't get done. An entire semester has come and gone since my last post and I had little time for reflection and discussion. But, like any good optimist, I'm committed to keeping this blog somewhat updated as a record of my professional growth and interests. So, a fresh year means a fresh attempt.

Some of the things I've been working one the past few months, which will get their individual posts or a series of them:

1. I'm continuing to explore the implementation of Open Educational Resources on my college campus. My pilot Open Textbook program went flat, but I am doing a presentation at a conference in June on OERs in higher education. I have a stack of updated readings and studies, which I will process here on the blog to help formulate my ideas.

2. I had the opportunity to travel overseas and set up a university library in January. That will turn into a series of posts, because it was an amazing, three week whirlwind of barcoding, cataloging, policy making, website building, and training. The short moral of the story is: libraries are the coolest.

3. My coworker and I continue to work on a streamlined approach to library instruction. I made some small changes in my approach to certain classes to reflect some of what I learned in my ALA class last spring, and it was very rewarding. We also just want to create more cohesiveness in what we do here on campus.

4. I'm part of a book club this semester with some information literacy folks. We are reading two new ACRL publications and discussing them:

Not Just Where to Click: Teaching Students How to Think About Information  (By Troy Swanson and Heather Jagman, ACRL, 2015)
Teaching Information Literacy Threshold Concepts: Lesson Plans for Librarians (by Patricia Bravender, Hazel McClure and Gayle Schaub, ACRL, 2015

Until next time!

riding the bronco

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