Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Flirting with Disaster
Disaster planning has got to be one of the most uninspiring aspects of library and archives work. I suppose its for the same reason many people have trouble making a will: nothing bad will happen and we'll all live forever. And yet, as most recently Hurricane Katrina or the ongoing conflict in the Middle East has shown us, disasters come in the form of natural and man-made, and they affect lives and cultural assets. Unfortunately, it often takes an emergency to push organizations toward creating plans that keep those emergencies from turning into a disaster. I was glad to hear about a long-overdue announcement from Boston Public Library regarding the updating of their disaster plan. It is of utmost important for institutions to make this kind of planning a priority and to publicize it when they do, in order to lead other institutions to do the same.
So what does this have to do with pictures of windmills? earlier this summer, I attended a disaster planning workshop on Cape Cod, which I was not looking forward to. But I was so surprised and learned to much that I thought I ought to share it.
Eastham, MA, USA
Monday, June 1, 2015
Let's Get Real: Practical Ideas for Teaching Infolit
Teaching is not for the weak, we know that for sure. Teaching something as abstract as information literacy gets even more complicated. How do you teach students navigation skills, evaluation skills, copyright and plagiarism traps and have fun all at the same time? It's no easy task. And often, students respond with:
Final Project: Library Learnin'
While I have accurately outlined my thought process and application of #IDE15ALA in my four weeks of blogging for this course, we are charged with synthesizing all of our learning into one conclusive post. What follows is full outline of my course in
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Educational Technology: Motivating Students and Enhancing Learning
Librarians are more cutting edge than they typically think they are when it comes to being early adopters of new technology. In spite of our clunky ILSes, or perhaps because of them, libraries have pushed url-link resolvers, proxy server authentication, and web-asset management forward for years and years. The downside to that is that we tend to think students benefit only from our management of the technology instead of teaching them more about how things work and allowing students to really be in control of the tech.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Learning Theory and Student Motivation
Back when I took education courses, I admit I found the theory of teaching incredibly interesting. That's not too surprising, since I had a History BA; that discipline exists to ask questions and critique the status quo, and to look at the meaning of ideas. What I really enjoyed was the variety of learning theories and how really, a good teacher applies numerous theories throughout her day in the classroom in order to keep students engaged in different parts of their brains. When we look at Bloom's Taxonomy, it is so temping to make every lesson's goal land on the higher tiers; a lesson isn't sophisticated enough if it doesn't employ higher order thinking. But the reality is, some skills and thinking just need to be recall, like adding, subtracting, and spelling.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Integration and Alignment (aka: finishing my assignment)

Thursday, May 14, 2015
Integration and Alignment (aka: dang it)

Our instructor said in the lecture that this week of work would be the most difficult of the four. And as I look through our second assignment, I'm also looking for a way to leave the computer and go get some coffee, hoping that this post will be written when I return.
Alas, I don't think homework works that way.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Critical Pedagogy- a Christian way to teach?
I read a lot of books. Some I remember, and some I forget. Some I wish I would forget, and some, I'm surprised that I remember them so clearly.
During my sophomore year in college, all the student leaders were in a seminar class to develop leadership skills, process our various leadership roles, and learn how to be a supportive community (this was at a Christian, liberal arts college on the west coast). This seminar class introduced me to Henri Nowen, Ronald Sider, and another little book I won't forget (its the one in the middle):
(Thank you, Ron Benefiel)
I have not read the book since then, but some lessons stick with a person.
My Introduction to Critical Pedagogy
"Unlike perhaps any other institution in the world, they [public schools, colleges and universities] embrace the long view and nurture the kind of critical perspectives that look far beyond the present.”~ Drew Gilpin Faust, current president of Harvard University
Critical Pedagogy is something I sort of peek through the window to check on every once in awhile, just to see if it's still there (via Twitter chat, obviously:) ).
Friday, May 8, 2015
Week 1: Forumulating Significant Learning Goals
Like many colleges and universities, mine is engaged in an assessment overhaul. We do not have an assessment culture on our campus, and there has been a concerted effort from the Dean's office to create one. This has been a long and painful process for many, as I am sure anyone in higher education can attest. Teaching faculty are not accustomed to defining goals, outcomes, and mapping course sequences towards departmental visions. Even for someone like myself, who has (albeit limited) a K-12 background, this process had brought out out some of my worst characteristics: I hear "assessment matrix" and I become sullen, sassy, or socialist, depending on the day.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Week 1: Wait, There's Homework? Developing Situational Awareness
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Why Instructional Design
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